Engineering Management

The Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM) degree program prepares professionals for careers in managing projects, programs, systems, and organizations. Industrial, research, consulting, and commercial firms now demand engineering managers with both cutting-edge technical competence and the management skills necessary to forge linkages with the systems and business sides of these organizations. These managers must be able to form and manage high-performance teams and manage business and technological operations.
CU’s MSEM degree is the technical alternative to the MBA. The program is multidisciplinary, combining elements of advanced study in various engineering disciplines with studies of business managers that combine management and engineering savvy, making them unique and highly sought-after employees for a wide range of businesses.
Project/Thesis Requirement
Each student must complete a substantial individual project. There are two different ways to satisfy this requirement:
- Completion of a Master's Project
- Students must find a project advisor
- Student must prepare a project proposal and obtain written approval for the project prior to registration
- Completion of a Master's Thesis
- Student must find a thesis advisor (preferable the second semester into the program)
- Studenst must prepare a thesis proposal and obtain written approval for the thesis prior to course registration.
- Apply both theoretical and practical technical and business knowledge to better understand factors that are reshaping and redefining management in today's global marketplace
- Utilize effective communication skills and research practices that are necessary for today's business environment
- Apply leadership characteristics and management practices within intercultural workplaces
- Integrate course-specific skills and knowledge while being able to identify ethical dilemmas and apply business practices to resolve those dilemmas
- Gain mastery of state-of-the-art technological tools to enhance business processes and deliver superior outcomes
Admissions Requirements
- A bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized college or university
- GPA of 2.7 or higher
- Official transcripts from all previously attended schools
- Completed application with Carolina University